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Employee Spotlight: Insights from Project Manager Owen Brown

Written by OpenArc on .

This week, we virtually chatted with Owen Brown, about the day in the life as a Project Manager and the important details about his role, Plus, a look into his life outside of work along with advice he holds dear.

Introducing, Owen!


Plain text version:

Quarantine Morning Routine:

• I’m an early riser – usually up and at it by 7am. 2-3 cups of coffee and updating the Trello board to plan my day.

Top 2 PM Tools:

• Trello
• Good ole notebook/pen/highlighter combo

Company or Exec I follow:

• Mark Cuban

Important Values:

• Blue collar work mentality. Set an achievable goal, accomplish it, and then push the next one a bit further. Being a problem solver – I don’t like to come to the table communicating problems without solutions or ideas.

Biggest Misconceptions About Project Management:

• That a successful project manager is a high level role following a rigid process – I love to be in the details, understanding the “why” behind project problems. Obtaining that domain knowledge makes managing projects, teams, and relationships much more efficient and effective. In addition to that, I prefer to continuously evolve, both personally as a PM and as a member of the teams and projects I manage. Each project, each client, each team member will be different. Being adaptable to those variables allows a PM to be more involved, more effective, and a greater resource and contributor to their project team.

Best Advice:

• It is more of a quote than advice, but something I heard recently that has really changed my perspective: “You do not have to know everything about the next step in order to take it”

Connect with Owen on LinkedIn.
