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Milestone PA – VR Training


Milestone PA – VR Training

VR-Based Training to Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Prepping and serving meals to behavioral health clients in a residential facility requires intensive training and affection for those who depend on you to feed them.  Realizing that group style lectures were not adequately training caregivers for the physical and mental stamina the role requires, Milestone searched for an alternative. Milestone engaged with OpenArc to create a custom Virtual Reality training module using Oculus Quest, a fully wireless standalone VR system. The VR training module simulates the process required to properly prepare and serve food to people suffering from swallowing disorders of varying severity. It also offers consequences for improper actions, built-in chaotic situations and provides an opportunity to call 911, in the event of an emergency.  The new VR solution is increasing the staffs knowledge retention and reducing high-consequence incidents among clients, creating a safer more relaxed environment.