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Creating Virtual Reality (VR)-Based Safety Training

Ready to explore how Virtual Reality (VR) could benefit you, this workshop is your first step.

Virtual Reality (VR) is not just for gaming anymore. VR can provide real value to businesses through hands-on experiences that are immersive, engaging, and specific to your unique needs.

If you believe in the value of VR for your organization or want to explore how VR could benefit you, this workshop is a valuable first step.


  • by simulating dangerous conditions, trainees are 54% more likely to appropriately respond to real-life situations
  • by modeling high-consequence situations, you’ll deliver the right level of preparedness to personnel
  • by providing a safer training environment, your company will eliminate risk and lower training costs

Request a Workshop


Managers responsible for safety training in their organization that want to envision a VR safety training experience. You’ll get hands-on experience with VR training, engage your stakeholders, spark discussion and create a plan for using VR.


OpenArc’s VR team works with you one-on-one in this collaborative engagement to create

  • hands-on experience with existing VR training examples
  • an overview of your high-value training needs
  • a storyboard for key safety training tasks that includes scenes, interactions and feedback
  • a list of environments, equipment, and objects to import or acquire for your training
  • a summary of tracking and reporting needs
  • a summary report that articulates your vision with a plan to create it
  • a proposal with timeline and costs for implementing your VR training session

Have questions or interested in learning more email a team member at [email protected]
